[About The Guide]
CLABEL Label creation/printing
DOITALL Fairly complete DBF Add/Edit etc
DUPLOOK Search for duplicate fields
FORMLETR() Interactive form letter/mailmerge utility
GENED Generic 'EDIT' screen, including ADD
PRNTLST Print a list of fields from DBF
QUERY User query condition builder
--------------Supporting Functions-------------------
ABORT Tests for lastkey()=27
AUTOREP Replaces database fields with memvars
AUTOSTOR Stores database fields to memvars
BLDARR Builds a CHARACTER array from a passed string
BLDDBF Build a DBF from a string
CTRLW Keyboards CTRL-W
DELARRAY Delete all elements in an array
DELREC Asks for delete/undelete record with menu prompt
DIRPIK Point and shoot directory selector
EDITMEMO Peforms a windowed memoedit() on a memo field
FASTFORM Fast way to print a single form letter
FILEREAD Reads a file in a window using dispfile()
GENVAL Generic validate for a condition with message
GETAKEY Returns 'type' of keystroke for lastkey()
GLOBREP Global replace of a field with a value - fully
HELP Pop-up HELp from a DBF file
NEW_DIR Interactive change-directory.
HELPMOD Online create/modify help
INITSUP Initialize values for library - colors, etc
INITCOL Initializes GLOBAL colors for the library
KILLWIND Removes a window created by MAKEWIND()
LOOKFLD Do a locate on any field in the database
MAKEWIND Draws a window on the screen
MCHOICE Sets up a window and does a simple ACHOICE
MENU_V Create a vertical pop-up menu for a MENU TO
MESSYN Windowed YES/NO (or other 2 prompts)
MFIELDS Pops up an achoice for current dbf's fields
MODIS Interactive Create/Modify Stru
MSG Displays up to a 9 line message in a window
NKEY Gets key of an index file
ONE_READ Pop-up window with 1-4 Say/Get combinations
PLSWAIT Pops up a Please Wait window/or removes it
POPEX Pops up an achoice for a certain filespec
P_READY Is the printer ready
PULLIT Pull down menu box handler
SCROLLER Hotkey Lookup tables
SETCOLORS Interactive setting of colors
TESTCOND Test a condition or expression for validity
WRITEFILE Writes a line or lines to a text file
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson